These are analyze of concepts and theories of development nationally for Thailand and internationally under the framework of The Group of Twenty Nations. These past three weeks in deepening the trust among national leaders on the world stage. The bonds of friendship can be seen between Japan and ASEAN especially during the flooding of Thailand can be seen in the global economic realm. The mutual sharing of experiences in disaster management within the framework.
The framework which begin with the G20 leading to the the APEC summit the ultimate goal were agreed upon by all the countries is to bring about a "Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific" (FTAAP) by 2020. There were no divergent view among the countries.
The strategy of how to reach there was the problem. There has been a creation of frameworks of economic partnerships. The ASEAN nations at the core, ASEAN + 3, which involves Japan, China and Republic of Korea, or ASEAN + 6, which adds India, Australia, a New Zealand. As well as, a joint research on a Trilateral FTA among Japan, China, and the ROK would be brought to a conclusion in 2011.
In addition, the Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA) have meeting also being lead by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. The East Asian Summit (EAS) for the first time the U.S. and Russia will participate.
To conclude, the appropriate form of development to the way of community life and local sustainability during the globalization era one can see there is one consistent actor, Japan.
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