Arthur Eugene Sears Udon Thani Rajabhat University
The Financial Crisis of 2008 turned the world upside down together with the world’s Development Models were based on growth at any costs. This was the birth of the Financial Crisis that has grown into the Great Depression of 2010. Every country in the world had followed these Development Models including Thailand to reach growth goals. This despite Thailand having its own National Development Model of its own called Sufficient Theory with Sustainable Development Concept.
Key Words: G-20, Sustainable, Index
Background and Significance of the Problem
Thailand is in the middle of two crisis a Financial Crisis and a Political Crisis this is the first time Thailand has faced multiple crisis at the same time in modern man human history(G-20, 2009). This is the background and significant of the problem that is the beginning of the paper on creating Udon Thani Sustainable Index Hub. The time for urgency action is now before a reversal of events becomes too late. The problem is Thailand has become unbalance and unsustainable in its current state instead of Doing More With Less is a proposed growth strategy (ADB, 2008).
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is how to create a Sustainable Index and to find examples of successful ones in the G-20.
• Within a G-20 Conceptual Framework identify successful examples of Indexes and why they were successful measuring indicators for each country.
• Indicators are evaluated locally in Udon Thani and if necessary adapted locally to fit the needs of the community.
• Development Strategies for Udon Thani to promote and use the Index for a more balance growth for each citizen well being in Udon Thani and to Development Strategies to use the Index to help its neighbors (ASEAN) to develop as Udon Thani Regional Hub reputation and expertness increases.
• The Study as a long-term effect of making the Index data accessible and available by the internet giving it a transparency and verifiable by the citizens of Udon Thani increasing their stakeholders value over time.
Scope of the Study
Scope of the study are divide into four phases. A mixed methodology approach will be used this research paper. Why is this knowledge worth knowing? By knowing what links our development together we can prepare ourselves and future generations of decision makers and stakeholders a better “New Balance and New Foundation” to build from. This knowledge can also be used not only in the Northeastern Region of Thailand but also in the Northern, Central, and Southern Regions of Thailand.
How will the evaluation be done to ensure the validity of the conclusions? By using a mixed methodology approach, gaps in the quantitative primary and secondary panel data can be filled by qualitative data collection. This will provide a more complete picture of global and regional linkages that logical conclusions can be drawn upon. These variables and their relationships will be done through extensive archives searches, interviewing, observing and taking standardized notes, collecting data, and analyzing patterns.
In collecting and analyzing qualitative data cultural differences will be accounted for at each stage of the research to eliminate cultural biases leading to distorted and possibly wrong conclusions. Awareness of different stages of social, political, environmental and economic development of sectors will lead to producing an appropriate strategy and make implementation of recommendations realistic. Knowledge of available regional resources will reduce the need for unrealistic development strategies
of importing outside resources that are not native to the region’s comparative advantages. In addition, comparable standardized longitudinally and transversally is a goal required by the UN-Habitat database on Global Urban Indicators. Developing the different types of Indicators requires the policy-based approach to measure progress towards goals, the thematic index approach that focus on broad multidimensional themes, the systems approach indicators focus on operators and causality between sectors, the needs-based allocation approach focus on needs, the performance based approach indicators focus on outcomes, and the benchmarking approach indicators focus on the need to improve (Bank, 2007).
Many questions can only be answered with city level data over time must be statistically representative at the city level. Problem solving important indicators are still missing and cross-section of city data can not be compared over time. Udon Thani Sustainable Index Hub must be economically relevant for the situation and directly linked to decision makers policy
Scope of the Time to Study
June, 2010: Presentation of Work-in-Progress-Papers (Poster Session)
October, 2011 Release of Draft “The Current Status Udon Thani Sustainable Index Hub”
April, 2012: Finalization of “The Current Status Udon Thani Sustainable Index Hub”
and placement on an active website, ideally for ongoing updating
Based on a G-20 framework a sustainable index is created for Udon Thani’s Hub in the last phase be confirmed reliable. A third party is the best choice others are available such as compare it to well indications such as The Dow Jones World Sustainable Index or the Ibrahim Index (Rotberg, 2009). The third party is the best choice because it meets international standards ISO 9000 and ISO 14000.
Preliminary Literature Review
Literature Review follows the logic of the Concept Paper Rubric starting with theory it is based on. It starts with the grandfather of National Development Theory in Thailand which is the Sufficient Theory.(Kantabutra, 2009) This Sufficient Theory is a National Development far from the scope of this paper. However, its basic requirement are held throughout this Paper. The Paper concentrates on a subset of Sufficient Theory for Development called Sustainable Development. Finally, the Paper finishes Development of Indicators in the Research design of Udon Thani City Sustainable Index.
Brief Description of Methodology and Research Design
1. The target Udon Thani Sustainable Index Hub
2. Scope of the Content 300+ Dependent variables Indicators
3. Scope of the area Udon Thani
4. Scope of the Study of Udon Thani
5. Tools: Design of the Indicators and Questionnaires
6. Collection of the data and safe storage
7. Analysis of Data using SPSS and design of the website model
9. Anticipated Outcome
Global shifts of power away from the traditional G-7 Group of Nations to the G-20 Group of Nations represents a stronger and balanced voice platform for Emerging Asia of which Thailand is represented and the subject of this research paper Udon Thani is a part of. The urgency of Udon Thani’s response to this power shift reflects the speed that global external shocks transverses the globe brought about by the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. Initial evidence points to Regional Hubs like Udon Thani will benefit tremendously from this global power shift. Decentralization of global shifts of power means the traditional power base of the Global Cities will require Regional Hubs like Udon Thani to develop their own “New Balance and New Foundation” for sustainable growth benefiting local stakeholders. Udon Thani was chosen because Global Cities like Bangkok is where “re-actions” take place from global external shocks due to their global linkages and Regional Hubs like Udon Thani is where the “actions” needed take place from these global shock factors.
Determination of the correct actions to take depends on empirical evidence from the G-20 Group of Nations and more specifically on empirical evidence from ASEAN +3 Nations. A proposed comparative study of these groups of nations will reveal national development strategies as done by Thailand’s National Economic and Social Development Board. Taking these results one step further to develop a “New Balance and New Foundation” for Udon Thani is the goal of this research paper.(Kantabutra, 2009)
Steps proposed a Disaggregate Economic Analysis of Udon Thani City and a Disaggregate Economic Analysis of rural Udon Thani. Empirical evidence will lead to conclusion of the title of this dissertation “Udon Thani identifying global G-20 and regional ASEAN +3 economic linkages in developing Udon Thani’s regional Hub status in both its rural and urban economy in a sustainable manner to meet the challenges of the new world economic order.”
The G-20 International Measuring Standards Conceptual Framework Creating Udon Thani Sustainable Index Hub his benefits the stakeholders of Udon Thani enriching the lives of its citizens and firmly establishes Udon Thani as a regional hub.
Copyright © 2010
ADB. (2008). Governance and Sustainable Development: The Asian Development Bank Perspective
ADB Sustainable Development Working Paper Series
Bank, T. W. (2007). City Indicators: Now to Nanjing1. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4114, January 2007.
G-20. (2009). Pittsburgh G-20 Partnership. Pittsburgh.
Kantabutra, S. (2009). Development of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in the Thai Business Sector: Evidence, Future Research & Policy Implications.
Rotberg, R. I. (2009). GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP IN AFRICA:MEASURES, METHODS AND RESULTS. Journal of International Affairs, Spring/Summer 2009, Vol. 62, No. 2.